Thursday 22 October 2015

Christian Film Production Tips :
Hello everyone, hope you had a great day? We eventually finished the last phase of Prime Suspect film location yesterday to the glory of God. There are few short clips to be taken in foreign lands, I will have opportunity to shoot one of them next week. I really appreciate the living God and it has been a long journey so far. We started the shoot last year July, it has not been easy but to God be all the praise. I have mentioned it that I wrote that script nine years ago, we eventually started the shoot last year. I waited for help from fellow Christian but was disappointed, but I appreciate those who have been praying for the success of the shoot, thanks to those who disappointed, thanks to those who fulfilled their promises and sorry to those whom I have disappointed unknowingly one way or the other, please accept my apologies. To those who disappointed me, I forgive you because I know God knew you would disappoint me and He allowed it all to His glory.
Concerning my last week post, I want to appreciate those who have contributed through their comments and this really made me happy. The day a mad man discovers his madness then he is no longer mad. From those comments I got, it shows how passionate some of us are towards the kingdom of God. I read among the comments the offers that came to some drama ministers which they blew with greed and the philanthropist ran away from the sponsorship of gospel film.
Another point someone rightly made was about our stories. No matter the technicalities, the richness of the story matters a lot. The lady mentioned and asked if we actually have people who can write great story that can be professionally shot. In my opinion, people who write those series and foreign serials are doing it full time and they are well paid which give them the courage to be totally devoted to the work. Moreover, their stories are jointly screen played by a group of professionals which help them to come up with great ideas. If you seem not to understand what I am addressing here, then check my last week post.
There are lots of problems in the Christian fold. Most of us need to visit heaven in our revelations to see what God require of us. Maybe if that happens, we will have people who will be devoted to give for the gospel and kingdom expansion. Imagine a pastor who is a millionaire but go to him for a small change, he will always find a story to tell you, at that moment let a senior pastor who could influence something for him in the high places visit him, he will give four times what you asked for as money for fuel but the bible says such has obtained their reward already. Eye service is very common among us, spiritual sensitivity will help us to know when we are actually sowing or showing. Let us unanimously stand for our God at this end time, western world is influencing the church as a whole, we dance any dancing step giving to us on television, many choir leaders or singers will rather listen to worldly music for inspiration to compose worship songs. I pray we have great sponsors for gospel filmmakers in the western world, since the world of media flows from them to the outermost part of the world.
What type of story will sell at this end time? We need to realise that most of our films that people see are been seen by serious and elderly Christians. What about the youth and teenagers? How many of them will sit down to watch our movies, that is why we need some prolific writers who will write with a open heart having it at the back of their minds that this story must catch the youth and seriously worldly unbelievers before releasing your sermon. You should be ready to cleverly entertain them and subtly preach to them.
Lastly, our faithfulness to what God has committed into our hands is very important, knowing fully well that there is no addition in heaven. Any level you are when you get to heaven is permanent, there is no promotion in heaven, if your work on earth earns you a boys quarter that is where you will be living forever and ever, if you don't work in holiness, humility and love, you may be labouring in vain. You will not labour in vain in Jesus name.
Thank you for your time. Feel free to ask your questions and pass your comment. If you have missed any of my past post please visit, you may also visit Christian Film Institute page and like our page. Till next week Monday when I shall be coming your way again, keep your God-given dreams alive and remain blessed.

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