Filming Tips :
Hello everyone, hope you had a great weekend? I had a very busy one. We shot music videos for a gospel artist called kay Wonder , the rain was so much on the first day but the music also has to do with flood gate of heaven, it was supposed to be an exterior shoot so we just used our underwater cage and shot it in the rain. I appreciate all my guys who took the courage to work in the rain with me. May God bless you all.
Last week I explained vector scope and waveform out of the four types of scopes. This week I will dwell a little more on vectorscope before moving to the rest because someone asked me a question off Facebook on this topic.
Vector scope is that image in a circle shape, when the information on it is centralized, most likely your picture is well white balanced. Now that does not mean your picture is not balance if the info appear otherwise. What you are seeing on your screen really matters, because that is what determines the interpretation. Some professional cameras have scopes, this can help you to choose the right temperature on set. Waveform can be used to calculate the amount of light on your set, while RGB parade and histogram will show you the true colours you have on set, whether it is well balanced or tilts towards red, green or blue.
If there is a red curtain at the background and the cast on set is wearing blue shirt for good contrast, then red and blue channel will have more information than the green channel. All these could have been better explained in videos but in an environment where there are generator noises everywhere, you can't try such. There has been times when we had to go and meet people to help us switch off their generator for two hours in order for us to quickly shoot a scene, may God help nigeria.
Histogram is pretty much the same as RGB parade, you can use it to check your colour whether it is correct or not, you need to practice over and again to become familiar with these great tools.
Colour treatment according to my own definition can be broken to Colour balancing and colour grading. Colour balance simply means to balance the colour red green and blue.
Colour grading means giving your picture a look, creating the mood, using the tools to direct the viewers attention to what you want them to see. If you are not really sure of yourself, it is better not to treat the picture than to do colour destruction in the name of colour grading, believe me, I have made such mistake before. We continue from here next week.
Thanks for your time. feel free to share. If you have missed any of my past post please visit Christian film institute page and like our page or visit
Till next week Monday when I will be coming your way again, keep your God-given dreams alive and remain blessed.
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