Monday, 1 June 2015

Filming Tips

Hello everyone, hope you had a great weekend? I pray that the change in government in Nigeria will bring great and positive changes in our various lives. Economically speaking, the country is in deep debt, I am happy we have a change in government but with hope and prayer that this present administration will be able to restore the glory and finally tackle electricity problem which is the major problem of the nation; that is after corruption.

The music video was shot two weeks ago at Ondo Nigeria, it was edited and treated on blackmagic davinci resolve, it was also shot on blackmagic cinema camera. Tenors have a unique way of rendering African melody. I really wish other gospel artiste will also be as original as this people, but most of them want to be like the secular artist, just putting the name of Jesus into a totally worldly song.

There are films you may shoot and not use crane, mini-jib, steadicam, glidecam, car mount and the likes but you may really need to consider using dolly. There is no movie that does not need a dolly but you can do without it if you cannot afford it but it is very  necessary. Imagine someone discussing a touching sorrowful event with her friend, expecting her friend to sympathize with her. If the friend start to shed tears as a result of what she is hearing, will it not be nice to start moving in on the close of the one who is crying? Moving in slowly will connect the viewer with the emotion of the actress. But if you place the camera just on a tripod, it cannot give thesame effect. You may tell yourself that you can zoom in with your zoom lens, then you may be wrong because zooming in can never bring thesame effect as dolly in. Try it.

I am not saying this because I have a track and dolly, I also have other equipment which I have earlier mentioned. I was in need of a track and dolly shot about three years ago while shooting and directing a movie titled candle in the wind, I had no steadicam nor glidecam as an alternative, so I took a boy's bicycle which I found in the house, I placed the camera on top of the handle

That is the link to the picture, I also tried different positions to actually get a smooth dolly shot. So you can use wheel chair, or even a wheel barrow can also come handy. Just be creative and always try to give God your best.

Feel free to share, if you have missed any of my past post before I activated this blog, you can visit christian film institute page on Facebook. Till next week Monday when I shall be coming your way again, please keep your God-given dreams alive and remain blessed.

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