Filming Tips :
Hello everyone, hope you had a great weekend? I had a very busy one as usual, trying to do some work and fix some things. Watch out for this guy in the picture. He is a great gospel singer, heavily talented and anointed to serve the Master with his talent. I have being busy with his works and some others.
For the past few weeks I have been concentrating on the prerequisites of colour grading. I tried to explain why we need to capture the best with the best camera you can afford in the best way you can, because this will determine the outcome of your colour job.
I shot a scene on the see, the colour of the costume the cast had was close to the colour of the flying boat, the colour of the water was also as close as it could get. Meaning, there is no sharp contrast between the cast and his environment. This is where a good preparation with a production designer has a big role to play. We often neglect the need for all these. Though there are shoots that are so impromptu. Like the one I told you I did, it was so impromptu. Please relax before you judge someone else's job, because you do not know the situation in which the job was done. I have shot a movie without microphone before, and without light. If you hear about it and condemn me with words of your mouth you are doing yourself harm because God will judge every idle word. I shot that movie some years back and some who have seen it said they didn't believe we did not use boom mic for the job because the audio was great. To do that is not ideal but some situations can make one do that which is wrong. Though it shouldn't be done deliberately because only the best is good for our God according to Evang Mike Bamiloye.
In davinci resolve, I tried to separate the water from the cast through colour picker but alas, the picker picked the cast and boat as well, that means I can't treat them separately. Though there is still a solution to that which is a little advance, those who are compositor will know about rotoscoping through which you can separate object without chroma, you can also key frame the nodes with power windows but all these could have been avoided had it been we have had the time to chose the costume and the boat.
The lesson I think we should pick here is to ensure we have sharp contrasts on set, this will help the overall outcome of the job from the colorist.
By next week by God's grace, I will explain how I do basic colour balancing.
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Please feel free to share. Till next week Monday when I will be coming your way again, keep your God-given dreams alive and remain blessed.
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